Sunday, 12 October 2014

Letzter Tag Rundreise / Last day roundtrip

Der Wecker war –wie gestern- auf 5:30 gestellt, um den Sonnenaufgang zu erleben. Und es hat sich gelohnt. Wir sind pünktlich um 9 aufgebrochen, um den letzten Tag mit Ajith zu verbringen. Diverse Tempel, diverse Wasserfälle, Plantagen und einen schönen Strand. Angekommen in unserer neuen Bleibe haben Paul und ich erstmal den Pool getestet und dann hatten wir ein großartiges Abendessen.

Das Hotel in Sri Lanka, wo wir nur chillen und abhängen, das erste Hotel in deutscher Hand und das erste Hotel ohne Wifi. War ja klar….

The alarm was set to sunrise and weh ad –again- a spectacular view. We set off exactly at 9 pm and had our last day with Ajith on our roundtrip. It was some temples, some waterfalls, some pantations (Rubber, Pepper and so on) and a beautiful beach.
First thing when we arrived on our destination was to test the pool. At least Martin and Paul did. Afterwards we had a very special dinner and then we drank and talked through the night with the owners.

It is, by the way, our first hotel in Sri Lanka that is just for chilling, hanging around and it’s the first hotel in German possession. It’s also the first without WiFi. We should have known…

Diyaluma Waterfall. 191 m high. 

Buduruwagala: 1`000 year old Buddha-Statues. 

Kingfisher trying to eat a snake. 

Sideview of the ancient Buddha. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Taliban never reach them.

Another Critter. It's a Waran. Again.

Chameleon posing for me.

A bloody elephant! On the Street! 

Electric Buddha.

Temple Monkeys

Another one.

Another otherwise good photo bombed.

Our new destination. 3 Days ago. Brilliant in any way. But offline.

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